As long as I had mapmaker’s block, I thought I might as well try another M1 map conversion. Villa Banzai was another old favorite of mine, as much for the beauty of the place as for the great netplay. Played like a dog on my slow computer, naturally, but it was still one of the best levels out there.
I’d have liked to keep the colors the same, but I wanted to keep the lava as well; the overall visual feel is different now, but I hope that it’s still as unified as the original. The only additions I made were media for the lava (in order to have those pools cause damage), a couple ambient sounds, and some scattered hanging lights. No part of the layout has been altered.
• The original “Read Me” is included, so you can see the creator’s comments as well.
• Tested on PPCs and 68k macines, crash-free as far as I've been able to determine.
Villa Banzai was converted with Pfhorte 2.0a13; kudos to Steve Israelson for a great mapmaking tool.
Please feel free to send me any comments, suggestions, bug reports or netfilms from this map. We aim to please.
(And the obligatory...)
The map file accompanying this text is freeware, and may be freely distributed. However, this document MUST be included with the map!